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Anime Time Management

Heh, so, apparently, ‘this is a topic that’s been going around various blogs recently’. It all started when Kai, someone I don’t know, wrote a post on his blog, rallying the aniblogosphere into yet another activity that I never participate in, because, like, everybody hates me or something! :) At least I joined the SCCSAV, yet, I’ve never been able to find the time to actually watch an episode.

So yes, this post is actually a post. Why do I never have the time to watch an episode? Well, seeing as I constantly bemoan about having mountainfuls of homework to my parents (anyone who knows me knows the exact opposite is true – mountainfuls of homework have me), it’d be pretty shameful to be caught watching those pornographic childish Korean films in front of my strict Chinese parents. Seeing as I don’t have a laptop, I can’t watch anime peacefully within the vicinity of my secluded room (unlike my brother), and so, I watch anime in bursts of five minutes when my parents aren’t looking. This is rather hard, as my computer is smack-dab in the middle of the living room, and my parents’ computer is smack-dab right behind mine. Seeing as they watch Korean dramas for two hours a day.. yeah.

Anime Time Management. How do I manage my anime time? How did I make it so that I’m not even halfway through the Fall season yet? How am I still on episode 1s of all the shows besides Mouretsu Pirates and Black Rock Shooter this Winter? But there’s a difference between me and others. Many others blog anime because they love watching anime. I watch anime because I love blogging anime. Heck, I’ve alienated at least three people on twitter for my heretical thoughts that you can have fun blogging an anime you don’t like. After all, the more you like an anime, the more you’ll have fun blogging it, even if you blog the same thing over and over, over and over, over and over…

I… don’t even want to explain anymore. Heck, this whole post is late. I’m writing a post about Time Management, and this post wasn’t even published on time. Time management was my (school-sanctioned) IEP goal for four years of elementary school. I still haven’t started writing the report or making the display for my science project. I’m procrastinating on blogging, an activity I don’t even need to do. Irony at its finest.

Welcome to O-New.

5 responses

  1. Kai

    lol better late then never. Thanks for the participation^^

    2012/03/04 at 15:50

  2. Pingback: Kai’s Anime Time Management « deluscar

  3. I wish I knew how to properly reply to this comment without sounding too awkward, but I don’t, so here’s an awkward recognition that you commented (really, this doesn’t even count as an Anime Time Management post)!

    2012/03/04 at 18:14

  4. Pingback: ST&RS 22 « O-New

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